Review: Lying and Stealing

Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in To Catch a Thief. Grant and Audrey Hepburn in Charade. Hepburn and Peter O'Toole in How to Steal a Million. Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway in The Thomas Crown Affair. There's nothing wrong with watching a film with the simple intention of looking at attractive people dressed in pretty clothes amidst stylish surroundings. By that slight criteria, Lying and Stealing, which stars Theo James and Emily Ratajkowski, both of whom are undeniably fine specimens, can be judged a success. Yet it's also the kind of trifle that makes one understand the value of star power and how it can make viewers forgive and overlook many a flaw.
In addition to the supreme magnificence of its stars, classic films like Charade and The Thomas Crown Affair also had the benefit of smartly written screenplays and tremendously assured direction. Lying and Stealing is a valiant if pale imitation of the glamorous caper genre, ably performed by its central duo and well-executed by director Matt Aselton, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Adam Nagata.
James plays Ivan Warding, first introduced at a private book-launch party to which he is a most uninvited guest. Whilst the rest of the attendees are busy schmoozing and boozing, Ivan absconds with a pricy Jeff Koons-style bunny sculpture practically in plain sight. As we soon learn, Ivan isn't in it for the thrill of the game, he's doing these jobs in order to pay off his late father's debt to Dimitri (Fred Melamed), who is obviously not pleased when Ivan talks about wanting out once the debt is paid and who tasks him with seemingly more dangerous missions.
As if his life didn't have enough complications, Ivan has to contend with his bipolar older brother Ray (Ebon Moss-Bachrach), who moves in with him after his addiction issues get him kicked out of a halfway house. Then there's Elyse (Ratajkowski), a woman of many wigs and body-hugging dresses, an actress who's been appearing in Italian horror films in order to pay off her debt to a slimy producer who blacklisted her in the industry after she rebuffed his advances and stole a very expensive necklace from his wife. The two decide to team up, but how long before FBI agent Wilkers (Isiah Whitlock Jr.) catches up to them?
Lying and Stealing is a pleasant enough diversion to make one long for more of its kind. Ivan's heists are finely staged, with Aselton doing well to maintain a strong level of suspense. The two leads acquit themselves nicely, but neither they nor Aselton fully prevent a stagnancy from creeping into the film.
Lying and Stealing
Directed by: Matt Aselton
Written by: Matt Aselton, Adam Nagata
Starring: Theo James, Emily Ratajkowski, Fred Melamed, Ebon Moss-Bachrach, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Evan Handler