Review: Dark Phoenix
Even without the electrifying and exceptional finale that was Avengers: Endgame still in recent memory, Dark Phoenix would be a curiously...
Review: First Man
"When you get a different vantage point, you get a different perspective," Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) says in First Man, Damien...
Review: Rebel in the Rye
"You act out at authority figures...because you're emotionally repressed at home. You also think you're the cleverest boy that ever...
Review: Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House
"It is our job to follow the breadcrumbs, but those breadcrumbs appear to be taking us on a tour of the West Wing of the White House and...
Review: Molly's Game
A bright law student becomes the madam of the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game in Los Angeles and New York. It may seem a...
Review: Sisters
Amy and Tina. Fey and Poehler. The former Saturday Night Livers have branded themselves as the gold standard of female friendship over...
Review: Spotlight
It starts off with a single priest. It ends with allegations against 87 abusive priests. That is in Boston alone. Spotlight, the...