Review: Untogether
A drama about a group of people adrift and looking for love, Untogether marks the directorial debut of novelist Emma Forrest. Possessed...
Review: Captain Marvel
Amongst the things we learn in Captain Marvel: Nicholas Joseph Fury does not like his toast cut diagonally and the name of his first pet...
Review: Robin Hood
"Forget history, forget what you've seen before, forget what you think you know," viewers are told at the beginning of Robin Hood, the...
Review: The Land of Steady Habits
In The Land of Steady Things, the sixth feature in 22 years from director Nicole Holofcener, a man discovers that the grass isn't always...
Review: Ready Player One
A steam locomotive pulling into a train station in the Lumière Brothers 1896 short, L'arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat. A giant...
Review: Darkest Hour
Words are powerful. They can inflame and inspire. The latter was certainly true for Winston Churchill, who served as Great Britain's...
Review: Una
"Are you allergic to me?" the young woman asks the man more than twice her age. The man is Ray, now known as Peter, and the woman is Una...
Review: Rogue One - A Star Wars Story
Simultaneously one of the best and most pointless entries in the Star Wars franchise, Rogue One can be likened to filler. An excellently...
Review: Slow West
There is a simple wooden house standing somewhere in the Colorado plains. Inside, a young woman sets the table. Outside, a scarecrow...
Review: Lost River
Lost River, actor Ryan Gosling's directorial debut, is an admirable work though not necessarily for the reasons one might suspect. It is...